Sunday, October 28, 2012

Falling in Love

 I just returned home after two weeks away--an amazing two weeks away! I was at a leadership retreat which was full of beautiful moments and hours with God, meaningful conversations with precious friends, intimate times of worship and prayer, being invited to walk deeply with the Father.... There was so much to take away, to process. It was a bit overwhelming. So, I asked God to highlight for me what He wanted me to press into. As I sat before Him in those moments with my journal on my lap and my heart turned toward Him, a theme came to mind, a story--Falling in Love. Many of the most significant events from the retreat are pieces of this journey of my heart--the story of the Lover of my soul wooing me as His Beloved.

Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? In the beginning, you weren't even sure it was worth it, though you longed for it to be. You questioned whether or not you really liked each other enough. Then, there were e-mails back and forth. Notes became more intimate. Long hours of talking on the phone. Finally, you received an invitation to meet. Love gifts were sent in the mail to ease the waiting. When you did meet face to face, it was unexpectedly sweeter than you could have imagined. And, that meeting was only the beginning... 

This is my story and I want to share it with you. So, in the several entries to follow, I will tell of the Longing, the Awakening, the Wooing, the Invitation, the Gifts and the Waiting, the Meeting....maybe more....because so much of the story has yet to unfold....

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