Sunday, May 19, 2013

Falling in Love: The Continuing Adventure

*** I had intended this to be a series on my blog with many more parts, but I now wonder if that was the best approach. I felt the unseen pressure of the ever-shackling “should”—pressure to finish this series in all its detailed entirety before writing about anything else. So, I am choosing to “end” this series with a not-so-conclusion and free my head and heart to record other lessons and experiences along the way. It really is about a journey anyway, and not about the conclusion. ***

The Bible is most of all a Story. It’s an adventure story about a young Hero who comes from a faraway country to win back his lost treasure. It’s a love story about a brave Prince who leaves his palace, his throne—everything—to rescue the one he loves. It’s like the most wonderful of fairy tales that has come true in real life! You see, the best thing about this Story is—it’s true. (Sally Lloyd Jones, The Jesus Storybook Bible, p.17).


God is in relentless pursuit of my whole heart. He is continuously inviting me (each of us) into a deep, intimate, transforming, adventure-relationship with Him. From some of Jesus’ first recorded words, “Follow Me,” He says to us, over and over again:

See Me

Believe in Me
Follow Me

Trust Me
Come away with Me, My beloved

I have been living this past year, learning to say “yes” to God’s invitation and the adventure that brings. I choose rest and deep surrender. I choose to trust the Lover of my soul and believe that He knows the ways of my heart and He’s got it. He knows me to depths I don’t and He is carrying me. He is gentle, yet stretching. He will not leave me stagnant, searching. His invitation stands. “Trust….Come….”


I am joining my God on an adventure into the unknown. And, though I don’t know the destination, I am learning that the adventure is not about where I end up, but rather about the road there. And, there is a peace that passes all understanding, joy abundant, fullness for my soul and amazing gifts along the way. He will NOT disappoint me.


And, to think that I am only yet dipping my toes in the ocean of who He is! Amazing God!

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